Clinical Research Opportunities at the Oral Health Alliance (OHA) - Professor Peter Reher, OHA Director

Professor Reher is the Director of the Oral Health Alliance, a partnership between Metro North Health and UQ’s School of Dentistry. He is also a Professor of Oral Surgery at the School of Dentistry, University of Queensland.
Professor Reher moved to Australia in 2009 as the Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at the Griffith University School of Dentistry and Oral Health, where he was the discipline lead in the area for 14 years. He taught regularly in UG and PG programs and was the Program Director of the Master of Clinical Dentistry (Oral Surgery). He was the Deputy Head of School for five years and the Clinical Director of the Griffith Dental Clinic for another five years. Peter has chaired several committees and implemented the first clinic accreditation towards the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. Peter has published several articles and textbooks throughout his career, having presented his work at many international conferences. He has supervised several research projects, including PhD’s, Master’s, Honours, and Specialist’s thesis. Peter also received awards from the Royal Society of Medicine, University College London Medical School and the International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.
About Seminar series
The School of Dentistry Seminar Series is an opportunity to highlight outstanding research both within the School and from national and international guest speakers.
All are welcome to attend, including academic and professional staff, visitors, students, industry partners, dental industry professionals and the general public. Seminars are held at various times at the Oral Health Centre, Herston, and online.
In addition to our general School series, additional seminars will be presented by our various research groups.