Dr Kumar Raghav -

Researcher biography
Dr Kumar is a registered General Dentist with a PhD in Behavioural Dentistry from University of Amsterdam. He currrently has an appointment with Queensland Health and has a special interest and skills in Paediatric, Preventive and Behavioural Dentistry. Dr. Kumar Raghav obtained his Bachelor's in Dentistry (B.D.S) in 2002 and Master's in Paediatric Dentistry (Children's Dentistry) in 2006. He was awarded the prestigious Australian Endeavour Executive Fellowship at UQ School of Dentistry in 2018. Dr Kumar is an accomplished educator and researcher and has Ph.D. in Social and Behavioural dentistry, from ACTA School of Dentistry, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ACTA is one of the top dental schools in the world, ranked at number 2 worldwide by the QS World University ranking. His Ph.D. involved cutting edge research on virtual reality technology to treat dental anxiety and dental phobia.He has extensive clinical experience in carrying out all clinical procedures included in adult and children's dentistry.
Dr. Kumar is an experienced clinician active in clinical dentistry since 2002. With his strong communication and behaviour management skills, he believes in practicing holistic dentistry. With more than 20 years of experience in clinical dental practice, he is passionate about providing pain free and fear free dental experience to his patients. He is a firm believer of practicing minimal invasive dentistry wherein maximum benefits are obtained from minimal intervention on the teeth.
Dr Kumar Raghav is an award winning dental educator with more than 17 years of experience in teaching paediatric and preventive dentistry and general dentistry across four countries namely Australia, India, Libya and Malaysia. He worked as a subject coordinator for Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry at Charles Sturt University (CSU) from 2019-2021. He has contributed to teaching the subjects of paediatric Dentistry, orthodontics, behavioural dentistry, restorative dentistry, periodontics, fixed and removable prosthodontics, endodontics and anatomy across Year 1 to Year 4 of Bachelor of Dental Science at CSU School of Dentistry.
Having worked across 3 continents, he strongly believes in practicing student centred teaching and learning methods and has supervised bachelors, masters and research students in dentistry. Learning dentistry is challenging and hence he aims to provide his students with all the means to perform at their fullest potential by practicing empathy and behaviour management along with achieving excellence in dental care of the patients. He believes in challenging students' knowledge, involvement and presence of mind by using a case based and problem based teaching style, both in clinics and in classroom.
Research Interests
Dr Kumar has been an active researcher since 2003 and has published extensively in the field of Clinical Dentistry.
Kumar's award winning PhD research involved using virtual reality in the treatment of dental anxiety and phobia, making it a pioneering study with a scope of multiple applications in future, including treatment of children with special needs and psychologically compromised adults. His Ph.D. study has found that virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) could significantly reduce dental phobia and behavioural avoidance of adult patients, which may lead to better dental attendance and consequently better oral health. His future research plans include (but are not limited to) exploring VRET for the treatment of dental anxiety in children and in individuals with special needs.
Other research interests: Health services research, evidence based dentistry, implementation science.
Other information
Dr Kumar Raghav is a member of Australian Dental Association (ADA), International Association of Dental research (IADR), and International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT).
View Dr Kumar Raghav's Publications here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=alYFUBYAAAAJ&hl=en