Professor Loc Do

Researcher biography
Professor Loc Do is a dentist and an oral epidemiologist with special interest in social and clinical oral epidemiology. He completed his PhD in Oral Epidemiology at the University of Adelaide. He was a lead investigator in the National Child Oral Health Study 2012-14 and the National Study of Adult Oral Health 2017-19.
Loc is currently Director of Research at the School of Dentistry, University of Queensland.
Research funding: Currently, he is the Chief Investigator A of four major NHMRC- and MRFF-funded research projects: a population-based birth cohort study investigating impact of socioeconomic inequality on child oral health, a longitudinal study investigating effect of early life exposure to fluoride, a study to investigate effectiveness of water fluoridation in Queensland, and a study to develop and implement a package to improve oral health in residents of Aged Care Facilities in Queensland and NSW.
Qualifications: BDS, MScDent, PhD
Research Interests: Oral epidemiological measurement of dental diseases Quantitative analysis of oral epidemiological data including multilevel analysis Risk and benefit trade-off in the use of fluorides in children Natural history of dental fluorosis Socio-economic inequality in oral health Oral health-related quality of life Smoking as a risk factor for periodontal diseases Effectiveness and safety of water fluoridation in children Complex systems science in dental research.
Awards and Honours: In 2022, Loc is the recipient of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Distinguished Scientist H Trendley Dean Award 2022. In 2023, his paper in Journal of Dental Research was awarded the IADR Abrey Sheiham Award for Distringuished Research in Dental Public Health.