Book Chapters
Marshall, Roderick I. (2007). Periodontal disease. Therapeutic guidelines: Oral and dental. (pp. xx-xx) edited by Oral and Dental Expert Group, Therapeutic Guidelines Limited with Australian Dental Association. Melbourne, Australia: Therapeutic Guidelines.
Bartold, P. M., Marshall, R. I., Georgiou, T. and Mercado, F. (2002). What is the significance between systemic disease and periodontitis?. New Millennium Challenges in Periodontology in the Asian Pacific Region. (pp. 70-81) edited by P. Mark Bartold, Isao Ishikawa and Tara B. Taiyeb Ali. Brisbane: Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology.
Journal Articles
Matias, M. A., Steindl, S. R., Plonka, K. A., Pukkallus, M., Palmer, J., Holcombe, T., Seymour, G. J. and Marshall, R. I. (2013). Do school based anti-smoking campaigns delivered by oral health therapists work?. Australian Dental Journal, 58 (3), 301-305. doi: 10.1111/adj.12078
Bohnstedt, S., Cullinan, M. P., Ford, P. J., Palmer, J. E., Leishman, S. J., Westerman, B., Marshall, R. I., West, M. J. and Seymour, G. J. (2010). High antibody levels to P. gingivalis in cardiovascular disease. Journal of Dental Research, 89 (9), 938-942. doi: 10.1177/0022034510370817
Blinkhorn, A, Bartold, PM, Cullinan, MP, Madden, TE, Marshall, RI, Raphael, SL and Seymour, GJ (2009). Is there a role for triclosan/copolymer toothpaste in the management of periodontal disease?. British Dental Journal, 207 (3), 117-125. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2009.669
Creeper, F, Lichanska, AM, Marshall, RI, Seymour, GJ and Ivanovski, S (2009). The effect of platelet-rich plasma on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, 44 (2), 258-265. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0765.2008.01125.x
Pongnarisorn, N. J., Gemmell, E., Tan, A. E., Henry, P. J., Marshall, R. I. and Seymour, G. J. (2007). Inflammation associated with implants with different surface types. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 18 (1), 114-125. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2006.01304.x
Marshall, R. I. (2006). 84th general session and exhibition of IADR. ADAQ News (519), 19-19.
Marshall, R. I. and Spencer, A. J. (2006). Accessing oral health care in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 185 (2), 59-60. doi: 10.5694/j.1326-5377.2006.tb00470.x
Marino, R. J., Morgan, M. V., Winning, T., Thomson, W. M., Marshall, R. I., Gotjamanos, T. and Evans, Wendell (2006). Sociodemographic backgrounds and career decisions of Australian and New Zealand dental students. Journal of Dental Education, 70 (2), 169-178. doi: 10.1002/j.0022-0337.2006.70.2.tb04073.x
Bartold, P. M., Marshall, R. I. and Haynes, D. R. (2005). Periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis: A review. Journal of Periodontology, 76 (11s), 2066-2074. doi: 10.1902/jop.2005.76.11-S.2066
Ivanovski, S., Marshall, R. I., Farah, C. S. and Bird, P. S. (2005). The role of iNOS in Porphyromonas gingivalis induced alveolar bone loss. Australian Dental Journal, 50 (4), S23-S23.
Hoffman, A, Marshall, RI and Bartold, PM (2005). Use of the Vector (TM) scaling unit in supportive periodontal therapy: a subjective patient evaluation. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 32 (10), 1089-1093. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2005.00794.x
Georgiou, T. O., Marshall, R. I. and Bartold, P. M. (2004). Prevalence of systemic diseases in Brisbane general and periodontal practice patients. Australian Dental Journal, 49 (4), 177-184. doi: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.2004.tb00070.x
Marino, R.J., Stuart, G.W., Winning, T. A., Morgan, M.V., Thomson, W.M., Marshall, R. I. and Gotjamanos, T. (2004). Cultural consistency in Australian dental students from two different ethnic backgrounds. Journal of Dental Education, 68 (11), 1178-1184.
Marshall, Roderick I. (2004). Gingival defensins: linking the innate and adaptive immune responses to dental plaque. Periodontology 2000, 35 (1), 14-20. doi: 10.1111/j.0906-6713.2004.003568.x
Marshall, R. I., Gemmell, E., Carter, C. L., Bartold, P.M., Brooks, P. M. and Seymour, G. J. (2003). COX-1 and COX-2 in Human Periodontal Disease States. Australian Dental Journal, 48 (Supp 4), S12-S12.
Mercado, F. B., Marshall, R. I. and Bartold, P. M. (2003). Inter-relationships between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 30 (9), 761-772. doi: 10.1034/j.1600-051X.2003.00371.x
Grant-Thomson, R., Marshall, R. I. and Bartold, P.M. (2003). Aggressive periodontitis of an early onset in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Australian Dental Journal, 48 (4), S8-S8.
Georgiou, T., Marshall, R. I. and Bartold, P.M. (2002). Prevalence of systemic disease in patients with periodontal disease. Australian Dental Journal, 47 (4), S8-S8.
Iiyama, M., Saito, K., Horiuchi, H., Shimauchi, H., Marshall, R. I. and Bartold, P. M. (2002). Applicability of a computer-assisted image analysis system fot the evaluation of gingival status in subjects from Asian and Caucasian backgrounds. Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology, 4 (1), 26-32.
Marshall, R. I. (2002). The future of dentistry: are you in it?. ADAQ News (473), 16-17.
Mercado, F., Marshall, R. I., Klestov, A. and Bartold, P. M. (2001). A relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease II. Periodontology, 22 (1), 35-35.
Drucker, DB, Marshall, R and Bird, PS (2001). Aetiology of Papillon LeFevre Syndrome. Anaerobe, 7 (3), 151-158. doi: 10.1006/anae.2001.0369
Bartold, P. M., Marshall, R. I., Klestov, A. and Mercado, F. (2001). Is there a relationship between disease experience of rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease?. Australian Dental Journal, 46 (4), S4-S4.
Kendall, HK, Marshall, RI and Bartold, PM (2001). Nitric oxide and tissue destruction. Oral Diseases, 7 (1), 2-10. doi: 10.1034/j.1601-0825.2001.0070102.x
Matias, M. A., Li, H., Young, W., Marshall, R. I. and Bartold, P. M. (2001). Does development hold the key to regeneration?. Periodontology, 22 (1), 35-35.
Mercado, F. B., Marshall, R. I., Klestov, A. C. and Bartold, P. M. (2001). Relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology, 72 (6), 779-787. doi: 10.1902/jop.2001.72.6.779
Daly, C. G., Marshall, R. I. and Lazarus, R. (2000). Australian dentists' views on toothbrush wear and renewal. Australian Dental Journal, 45 (4), 254-256. doi: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.2000.tb00260.x
Mercado, F., Marshall, R. I., Klestov, A. C. and Bartold, P. M. (2000). Is there a relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease?. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 27 (4), 267-272. doi: 10.1034/j.1600-051x.2000.027004267.x
Pattni, R, Walsh, LJ, Marshall, RI, Cullinan, MP, Seymour, GJ and Bartold, PM (2000). Changes in the periodontal status of patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation. Journal of Periodontology, 71 (3), 394-401. doi: 10.1902/jop.2000.71.3.394
Yan, F. H., Marshall, R. I., Wynne, S., Xiao, Y. and Bartold, P. M. (2000). Glycosaminoglycans in gingival crevicular fluid of patients with periodontal class II furcation involvement before and after guided tissue regeneration. A pilot study. Journal of Periodontology, 71 (1), 1-7. doi: 10.1902/jop.2000.71.1.1
Bartold, P. M. and Marshall, R. I. (2000). A survey of general dental practitioners' attitudes towards periodontics. Initial findings. Periodontology, 21 (1), 4-11.
Bartold, P. M., Marshall, R. I., Pattni, R., Seymour, G. J. and Walsh, L. J. (2000). Periodontal implications of immunodeficient states: manifestations and management. Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology, 2 (3), 79-93.
Marshall, R. I. and Bartold, P. M. (1999). A clinical review of drug-induced gingival overgrowths. Australian Dental Journal, 44 (4), 219-232. doi: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.1999.tb00224.x
Yan, F., Marshall, R. I., Wynne, S., Xiao, Y. and Bartold, P. M. (1999). Glycosaminoglycans in gingival crevicular fluid of patients with periodontal degree I furcation involvement before and after guided tissue regeneration. Australian Dental Journal, 44 (4), S12-S12.
Conference Papers
Bohnstedt, S., Ford, P. J., Leishman, S., Sankey, M. H., Anderson, V., Palmer, J. E., Holcombe, T., Bird, P. S., Yamazaki, K., Marshall, R. I., West, M. J., Seymour, G. J. and Cullinan, M. (2008). Antibody responses to Porphyromonas gingivalis strains in a high-risk population. 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, Toronto, Canada, 1-5 July, 2008. International Association of Dental Research.
Hart, P. S., Zhang, Y., Firatli, E., Uygur, C., Lotfazar, M., Michalec, M. D., Marks, J. J., Lu, X., Coates, B. J., Seow, W. K., Marshall, R. I., Williams, D., Reed, J. B., Wright, J. and Hart, T. C. (2000). Identification of cathepsin C mutations in ethnically diverse PLS patients. 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Philadelphia, 3-7 October 2000. Chicago: Univ Chicago Press.
Mercado, F., Marshall, R. I., Klestov, A. and Bartold, P. M. (2000). A relationship between Rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease. 39th Annual Meeting of IADR ANZ Division, Adelaide, Australia, 27-29 September 1999. Alexandria VA: American Association for Dental Research.
Yan, F., Marshall, R. I., Wynne, S., Xiao, Y. and Bartold, P. M. (1999). Effect of GTR on GCF glycosaminoglycan levels in class II furcation. 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of ANZ Division of IADR, Brisbane, 27-29 September 1998. Alexandria, VA: American Association for Dental Res..