Queensland Child Oral Health Study (QCOHS)
The Queensland Child Oral Health Study (QCOHS) 2021-24 aims to monitor the oral health of Queensland children, identify factors impacting oral health.
About the study
The study will use a comprehensive population-based epidemiological design. Data will be collected through a parent questionnaire and an oral epidemiological examination. QCOHS 2021-24 will provide valuable information on school-age children’s oral health status, general and oral health behaviours, and attitude to health promotion at the individual, school, and community-levels.
The previous study in Queensland was successfully conducted in 2010-12. Its report is available on the Queensland Health website.
The findings of QCOHS 2021-24 will inform the development of public health policy to improve the oral health of Queensland children, including oral health promotion programs at different levels. The study will be conducted by oral epidemiologists/researchers at the University of Queensland collaborating with Queensland Health and Queensland Department of Education. The survey aims to obtain information about oral health and dental care among 5,000 children randomly selected from QLD schools.
QCOHS 2021-24 is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
The project is led by Professor Loc Do of the UQ School of Dentistry.
The Queensland Child Oral Health Survey collects data on each tooth examined. Child's general information and dental assessment results will remain confidential. Parents of participating children will be provided with a general report of the child's oral health condition. No treatment will be provided.
While the overall results of the survey will be reported, the identity of participating children and their personal information will be protected under the current Queensland privacy legislation.
The study has been approved by the Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Human Research Ethics Committee (approval number HREC/2020/QCHQ/60462) and the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University of Queensland (approval number 2021/HE000664). If you have questions or problems associated with the practical aspects of your participation in the project, or wish to raise a concern or complaint about the project, please contact:
Principal Investigator
Professor Loc Do
If you wish to speak with an independent person regarding a concern or complaint, the organisations’ policy on research involving human participants, or your rights as a participant, please contact the University of Queensland Ethics Coordinator on 07 3365 3924/07 3443 1656 or Email: humanethics@research.uq.edu.au; and the Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Human Research Ethics Committee on: 07 3069 7002.
Our Commitment to You
Taking part in the project is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time. Personal details that could identify you, or your family, will be removed from the research data prior to use by researchers.
Participants will be selected randomly from the list of all schools in the state. Participation would involve completing a questionnaire by the parent/guardian and a dental examination of the participating child. The dental inspection will be conducted at the school by a specially trained Dental Therapist or Dentist employed by Queensland Health.
The survey has ethics approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee of Queensland Health and the University of Queensland.
Please see out Parent/guardian information sheet (PDF, 427.4 KB) for more information.