
Our vision is to address unmet clinical needs by the utilisation of regenerative medicine technologies for dental and orthopaedic applications.

Research focus

Vertical bone augmentation

Dimensionally stable vertical bone regeneration outside of the existing bony envelope is a major challenge in the field of orofacial surgery. Adequate space maintenance and wound stability to facilitate vertical bone formation is particularly challenging, as is inappropriate dimensional stability subsequent to surgical re-entry and implant placement, leading to resorption of the previously formed bone. Our group investigates the effect of scaffold composition and degradation timeframe on the maintenance of previously augmented bone.

Periodontal regeneration

Periodontal regeneration requires the apposition of newly formed cementum on the tooth root surface, new bone formation, and the reestablishment of a periodontal ligament (PDL) attachment. This has proven to be challenging due to the highly hierarchical architecture of the periodontium, which requires a highly coordinated spatiotemporal healing response to achieve regeneration. Current periodontal regenerative techniques are primarily based on the concept of guided tissue regeneration. The broad concept is to prevent epithelial downgrowth along the tooth surface while maintaining space for promoting new bone and periodontal attachment formation, but current techniques remain largely unpredictable. Our group has proposed the utilisation of additively manufactured multiphasic scaffolds with a high degree of compartmentalisation for achieving proper periodontal regeneration.

Additive manufacturing

Our group investigates the enhancement of the biofunctionality of additively manufactured scaffold for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine application. This includes surface functionalisaton, bioceramic 3D-printing, bioprinting, ECM decoration, and dual scale scaffold.

Tendon and ligament

Tendon and ligament ruptures are one of the most common injuries in the orthopaedic field. Our group has explored the regenerative potential of various tissue engineered constructs manufactured by 3D-printing and electrospinning.